Month: February 2016

  • SwiftExpress – Web Application Server in Swift

    Swift Express is a simple yet powerful web application written in Apple’s Swift language. This is an initiative started by Crossload Labs using Play Framework and Express.js Installation SwiftExpress GitHub provides a well documented steps for installing the server on Mac OS X and Linux. I tried this on Mac OS X and the whole…

  • Keyboard Shortcuts in Xcode

    Listed below are the various keyboard shortcuts in Xcode 7. Symbols corresponding to Mac keyboard used are command (⌘), shift (⇧), control (⌃), option/alt (⌥) Build, Run, Test Build ⌘ + BClean ⌘ + ⇧ + KRun Tests ⌘ + URun ⌘ + R Debug Step Over F6Step Into F7Step Out F8Toggle BreakPoint ⌘ +…

  • How to programmatically add AutoLayout constraints?

    AutoLayout solves the mystery when designing app for more than one screen size and for both Portrait and Landscape orientation. This is done by adding constraints to the views using various Auto Layout options available as part of Interface Builder. As an iOS developer, you can also add these constraints programmatically using NSLayoutConstraints or Visual…