Author: Ravi Shankar

  • Handling HTML Text Gaps in Swift

    When working with HTML content in iOS applications, developers often encounter challenges in displaying text with the proper formatting, especially when it comes to maintaining the gaps or spaces between paragraphs. In this post, we are going to explore a simple solution to ensure your HTML text is displayed with the appropriate paragraph breaks, enhancing…

  • Auto Layout in iOS

    Using Auto Layout feature developers can align UI controls for different devices, screen sizes and orientation. This reduces the code to be maintained and makes life easy for the developers. Auto Layout solves UI design issues by creating relationship between the UI elements. This follows constraint based layout system where you can define contraints for…

  • Button in Swift UI – Code Snippet

    A button in SwiftUI is a fundamental interactive component that allows users to trigger actions. SwiftUI Button Basics The two main elements for creating a button are Let us see this with an example of having a button in Expense Split app to add expenses The above code snippets defines the trigger action which is…

  • How to customize status bar in iOS

    Status Bar appears at the top of your device displaying information such as battery left in your device and carrier details. The default style of status bar is black and looks as shown in the below screenshot. But if your screen designs are dark then you can change the status bar style to Light Content.…

  • Choosing between guard statement and if let

    Swift offers two important features for handling optionals: the guard statement and if let, also known as optional binding. What is guard? The guard statement is ideal for scenarios where you want to ensure certain conditions are met before proceeding with the execution of your code. If these conditions are not met, the guard statement…

  • This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion error

    If you are receiving the following error while trying to upload your binary from Xcode organiser to AppStoreConnect then try incrementing the build number. This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [1] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [1]. Please find more information…

  • Fine-Tuning Your App with A/B Testing

    Introduction:Have you ever wondered if your app icon could be more eye-catching? Or if a different title might attract more users? This is where A/B testing comes into play. It’s a super tool in the world of App Store Optimization (ASO). Let’s dive into how A/B testing can help you fine-tune your app to make…

  • How Localizing Your App Can Skyrocket Its Success

    Hello, app creators! Have you ever wondered why some apps become popular all around the world? The secret often lies in ‘localization’. This means tweaking your app to fit different cultures and languages. It’s not just about translating words; it’s about connecting with people in a way they understand and appreciate. Let’s explore why localizing…