Category: Apple
Class and Struct in Swift
Download the playground file from github (Classes and Struct) Class A class is a blue print for a real-word entity such Player, Person etc. and it is used for creating objects. Class can have properties to store values and methods to add behaviour. Let us see this with an example class called Rectangle which has…
Optional binding and Optional Chaining
Swift has a feature that lets users to assign optional value to a variable or a constant. Optional variable or constant can contain a value or a nil value. Let us take the following example which tries to find a given string in a array of string. Optional Binding var fruits = [“Apple”,”Orange”,”Grape”,”Mango”] let searchIndex…
How to request a refund for apps in App Store
Apple provides users with the option to get a refund for app. Here are the steps for submitting a refund request. Launch and login using your Apple ID. In “What can we help you with” drop down select the option as “Request a refund”. In “Tell us more” drop down select the reason why…
Tab Bar Controller with WebView
In this article, we will see step by step instruction on working of Tab Bar Controller, UIWebView and Activity Indicator by loading couple of web pages using UIWebView in two different Tabs. Tab Bar Controller Tab Bar Controller is used for organising list of View Controllers by having seperate tabs for each View Controller. Check…
Get your current address in Swift (Swift 5)
In this Swift tutorial, we will see the steps required for using CoreLocation framework and retrieve the latitude and longitude of the location. Then use the CLGeocoder to reverse geocode the latitude and longitude details. This is a very basic tutorial that retrieves the location details on tap of a button and displays the information…
Reset and Erase content on iPad
In this tutorial we will be covering about the Reset and Erase content feature available on iPad 2. Press the Home button on your iPad and tap the settings icon available on the Home screen. In the Settings page, navigate to Reset option. This would display the following list of options. If you are planning…
Prevent installing or uninstalling apps on iPad or iPhone
In this tutorial we will be see the steps required to prevent any users from installing or uninstalling any apps on iPad or iPhone. This is a useful tip if you are sharing your iPad with other people especially kids and do not want them accidentally uninstall and install any Apps. To prevent users from…