Category: ios

  • Quotes app – Simple page based application in Swift

    This is a very basic tutorial on how to create a simple page based app in Swift. We are going to use Page Based Application project template for displaying quotes in different pages.   Create Page-Based Application in Swift Click Xcode File menu, navigate to New and select Project from sub menu list. Select Page-Based…

  • Internationalization and localization of Apps in Xcode 6 and Swift

    Internationalisation and Localization of apps is essential when you want the apps to seamlessly support different languages and region. Internationalization refers to process of providing a framework to the app for supporting multiple languages. And Localization refers to the process of making your app to support a particular locale such as German In this tutorial,…

  • BlogReader App in Swift

    In this iOS development tutorial, we will see how to write a blog feed Reader app in Swift Programming Language. For this demo, let us take the blog feed ( from Learning Swift and iOS Development blog. This is a WordPress blog and the number of posts in the feed is set to 10 (This…

  • UIGestureRecognizer in Swift

    In this short tutorial, we will see the steps required for implementing UIGestureRecognizer in Swift programming language. Let us take the previous Stop Watch demo code and implement tap, double tap and swipe gestures. You can download source code for Stop Watch from here. The following features will be implemented using the UIGestureRecognizer. Tap –…

  • Simple StopWatch app in Swift

    In this tutorial, we will see the steps for creating simple StopWatch app in Swift Programming language as shown in the below screenshot. Click File menu -> New -> select Project from menu list. Choose the template as Single View Application and click Next button. Enter name of the Product, Language as Swift then click…

  • Insertion Sort

    Insertion Sort algorithm does the following Keeps the sorted numbers from left to right. Compares the left with right and interchanges the number if left is greater than right. Here is code snippet of Insertion Sort in Swift. [code language=”swift”]var inputArr:[Int] = [Int]() // generate random numbers for rIndex in 0..<10 { inputArr.append(((Int(arc4random()) % 100)))…

  • Reverse a String in Swift

    Here is a simple code snippet written in Swift programming language for reversing a string. import Cocoa //Assigning a value to a String variable var str = “Hello, playground” //Create empty character Array. var strArray:Character[] = Character[]() //Loop through each character in the String for character in str { //Insert the character in the Array…

  • Selection Sort

    Selection Sort algorithm does the same amount of comparison( N*(N-1)/2 ) like bubble sort but the number swaps (N) is reduced drastically. This sort algorithm traverse through all the items, picks the smallest number and swaps it with left most item. Then the step is repeated for the next smallest number until it reaches the…