Category: iPad

  • Reset and Erase content on iPad

    In this tutorial we will be covering about the Reset and Erase content feature available on iPad 2. Press the Home button on your iPad and tap the settings icon available on the Home screen. In the Settings page, navigate to Reset option. This would display the following list of options. If you are planning…

  • How to hide or unhide photos in iPhone or iPad

    iPhone and iPad users can temporarily hide photos from the albums. This is quite useful when you do not want other users to inadvertently view private photos from Albums. Listed below are the steps to hide and unhide photos from Albums in iPhone or iPad Step 1: Navigate to Photos on your device. Step 2:…

  • Prevent installing or uninstalling apps on iPad or iPhone

    In this tutorial we will be see the steps required to prevent any users from installing or uninstalling any apps on iPad or iPhone. This is a useful tip if you are sharing your iPad with other people especially kids and do not want them accidentally uninstall and install any Apps. To prevent users from…

  • SplitViewController example in Swift

    This is a beginners tutorial on SplitViewController using Interface builder with programming language as Swift. There are also some good articles available on SplitViewController, check them out as well – nhipster and whoisryannystrom. Create a new Single View Application. Choose Language option as Swift and provide a product name. Navigate to Main.Storyboard and select default…

  • How disable the sound for keyboard clicks in iPad

    The sound heard for keyboard clicks in iPad can be disabled using the settings. To disable the sound Tap the settings icon on the iPad home screen. In the settings screen, navigate Sound settings.

  • How to check the OS version of your iPad

    iPad allows users to check the version of OS installed using the settings menu. This would be useful when you are troubleshooting some problems in your iPad. To check the OS version 1. In the home screen, tap the settings menu. 2. In the settings screen, navigate to General settings. 3. In the General Settings…

  • Swift Tuples

    Tuples in Swift are a powerful feature that allows you to group multiple values into a single compound value. They’re particularly useful for returning multiple values from a function or for temporarily grouping related data. Let’s explore how to use tuples effectively in Swift. Basic Tuple Usage At its simplest, a tuple can group two…

  • Internationalization and localization of Apps in Xcode 6 and Swift

    Internationalisation and Localization of apps is essential when you want the apps to seamlessly support different languages and region. Internationalization refers to process of providing a framework to the app for supporting multiple languages. And Localization refers to the process of making your app to support a particular locale such as German In this tutorial,…