Category: Xcode

  • iPhone is not available error message in Xcode

    If you are receiving an error “iPhone is not available” when connecting Xcode with iPhone then check iOS version on your iPhone. Make sure it is compatible with the Xcode version. The conflict in versions can be found under the Xcode – Window – Devices and Simulators. In my case the following error was mentioned.…

  • Tab Bar Controller with WebView

    In this article, we will see step by step instruction on working of Tab Bar Controller, UIWebView and Activity Indicator by loading couple of web pages using UIWebView in two different Tabs. Tab Bar Controller Tab Bar Controller is used for organising list of View Controllers by having seperate tabs for each View Controller. Check…

  • CoreData tutorial in Swift 5 using NSFetchedResultsController

    Let us see an example TaskManager app using CoreData written in Swift Programming language. This app provides the following functionality Allow users to enter new task Update existing task delete task You can download source code for this project from Github. If you are familiar with user interface then move on to the Core Data…

  • Storyboard, Scene and Segue

    Storyboard in iOS is helps you to design the user interface of your App. A storyboard can contain one or more Scenes (View Controllers) and the connection or relationship between two scenes are known as Segue. This is how a typical storyboard with Scenes and Segue look. The above example storyboard contains two scenes, first…

  • Get your current address in Swift (Swift 5)

    In this Swift tutorial, we will see the steps required for using CoreLocation framework and retrieve the latitude and longitude of the location. Then use the CLGeocoder to reverse geocode the latitude and longitude details. This is a very basic tutorial that retrieves the location details on tap of a button and displays the information…

  • Swift – WebView demo

    Updated for Swift 5In this short tutorial, we will see an example in Swift programming language using UIWebView. The WebView will load a webpage and provide option to refresh, stop, go back and go forward. This tutorial should give a brief overview on how to declare IBAction, IBOutlets and use Objective-C classes (NSURL and NSURLRequest)…

  • Assertions supported in XCTest

    Here you can find the list of Assertions supported by XCTest and it is essential to know all these assertion if you are practicing Test Driven Development in IOS. You can get this list from XCTestAssertions.h XCTFail(<#format…#>) – This unconditionally fails the test. XCTAssertNil(<#a1#>, <#format…#>) – Failure message when object is not nil. XCTAssertNotNil(<#a1#>, <#format…#>)…

  • Content Priority in Auto Layout

    Auto Layout brings in lots of good features to ease the life of an iOS developer when designing User Interfaces. In this example, we will see how to use Content Priorities such as Content Hugging and Comrpession Resistance. I have created a project with Single View Template and dispayed Size Classes as we are going…