less than 1 minute read

Hidden files and folders are by default not shown on your Mac. Here are the different ways you can show hidden files and folders.


  1. Open Terminal and run this script, defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true
  2. Make sure to close all finder windows and relaunch Finder -  killall Finder

And if you want turn off this option this change true to false, defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles false

Keyboard Shortcut

Navigate to the folder you want to see the hidden files and folders and type “Cmd + Shift + .”. And to turn off press the same keyboard combination again.


If you want to see the hidden library folder then follow the given steps.

  1. Open Finder and navigate to Go menu bar
  2. Navigate to Go to Folder and type  ~/Library (Keyboard shortcut in Cmd + Shift + G)
