Welcome to this SwiftUI tutorial! Today, we’re going to build a Currency Converter app. This project will teach you about using Pickers, managing state, and performing real-time calculations in SwiftUI.
What We’re Building
We’ll create an app where users can:
- Select currencies from a list
- Enter an amount to convert
- See the converted amount update in real-time
- Switch the direction of the conversion
- Xcode installed on your Mac
- Basic understanding of Swift and SwiftUI
Step 1: Setting Up the Project
- Open Xcode and create a new project.
- Choose “App” under the iOS tab.
- Name your project “CurrencyConverter” and ensure SwiftUI is selected for the interface.
Step 2: Creating the Currency Model
First, let’s create a simple model for our currencies:
struct Currency: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let name: String let symbol: String let conversionRate: Double // Relative to USD } let currencies = [ Currency(name: "US Dollar", symbol: "USD", conversionRate: 1.0), Currency(name: "Euro", symbol: "EUR", conversionRate: 0.84), Currency(name: "British Pound", symbol: "GBP", conversionRate: 0.72), Currency(name: "Japanese Yen", symbol: "JPY", conversionRate: 109.51), ]
Step 3: Creating the Main View
Now, let’s create our main view:
import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var amount: String = "" @State private var selectedFromCurrency = currencies[0] @State private var selectedToCurrency = currencies[1] private var convertedAmount: Double { guard let amountDouble = Double(amount) else { return 0 } let inUSD = amountDouble / selectedFromCurrency.conversionRate return inUSD * selectedToCurrency.conversionRate } var body: some View { NavigationView { Form { Section(header: Text("Amount to convert")) { TextField("Amount", text: $amount) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) } Section(header: Text("From")) { Picker("From", selection: $selectedFromCurrency) { ForEach(currencies) { currency in Text(currency.name).tag(currency) } } } Section(header: Text("To")) { Picker("To", selection: $selectedToCurrency) { ForEach(currencies) { currency in Text(currency.name).tag(currency) } } } Section(header: Text("Converted Amount")) { Text("\(convertedAmount, specifier: "%.2f") \(selectedToCurrency.symbol)") } Button("Swap Currencies") { let temp = selectedFromCurrency selectedFromCurrency = selectedToCurrency selectedToCurrency = temp } } .navigationTitle("Currency Converter") } } }
Let’s break down what this code does:
- We use
properties to keep track of the input amount and selected currencies. - The
computed property calculates the conversion in real-time. - We use a
to organize our UI elements. TextField
is used for input, with the keyboard type set to decimal pad.Picker
s are used to select the “from” and “to” currencies.- We display the converted amount using a
view. - A “Swap Currencies” button allows quick reversal of the conversion direction.
Step 4: Improving the User Interface
Let’s add some finishing touches to make our app more user-friendly: Let us change the Converted Amount and Swap Currencies button.
struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationView { Form { Section(header: Text("Amount to convert")) { TextField("Amount", text: $amount) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) } Section(header: Text("From")) { Picker("From", selection: $selectedFromCurrency) { ForEach(currencies) { currency in Text(currency.name).tag(currency) } } } Section(header: Text("To")) { Picker("To", selection: $selectedToCurrency) { ForEach(currencies) { currency in Text(currency.name).tag(currency) } } } Section(header: Text("Converted Amount")) { Text("\(convertedAmount, specifier: "%.2f") \(selectedToCurrency.symbol)") .font(.largeTitle) .foregroundColor(.green) } Button(action: { let temp = selectedFromCurrency selectedFromCurrency = selectedToCurrency selectedToCurrency = temp }) { HStack { Image(systemName: "arrow.left.arrow.right") Text("Swap Currencies") } } .buttonStyle(InteractiveButtonStyle()) } .navigationTitle("Currency Converter") } } } struct InteractiveButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { configuration.label .padding() .background(configuration.isPressed ? Color.orange : Color.green) .cornerRadius(10) .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity) .foregroundColor(.white) } }
These changes make the converted amount more prominent and style the swap button to be more visually appealing.
In this tutorial, you’ve learned:
- How to use
for selection from a list of options - How to manage state with
properties - How to perform real-time calculations based on user input
- How to create a responsive UI that updates as the user interacts with it
One response to “SwiftUI Tutorial: Building a Currency Converter App”
[…] this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of creating a currency converter app using SwiftUI. This project is perfect for beginners to intermediate developers looking to […]