
Training Material

Download the training materials from GitHub repository – here

Swift Language

Swift Basics

Swift Tupes

Enumerations in Swift

Optional binding and Optional Chaining

Understanding Closures in Swift

Higher-Order Functions in Swift

Class and Struct in Swift

Class Inheritance vs Struct and Protocol


Building Your First iOS App: UIKit

ViewController’s LifeCycle methods

Keyboard Shortcuts in Xcode

Debugging Swift App in Xcode

Introduction to Debugging in Swift

Basic overview of Xcode

Tab Bar Controller with WKWebView

Storyboard, Scene and Segue

Navigation Controller in iOS

AutoLayout for Beginners

Content Priority in AutoLayout

Programmatically add AutoLayout constraints


SwiftUI: Building Your First App

Understanding .onAppear and .onDisappear in SwiftUI

SwiftUI Navigation

State Management in SwiftUI

Building Custom Views with SwiftUI

Swift Concurrency -Manage API Calls in SwiftUI

Core Data

CoreData using NSFetchedResultsController