Xcode Playgrounds: Documenting Your Code with Markup

One of the coolest features of Xcode Playgrounds is the ability to add rich, formatted documentation right alongside your code. This is done using a special kind of comment called “markup”.

Basic Markup

To use markup, start a line with //:. This tells Playground that this line is markup, not code. Here’s an example:

//: # Welcome to My Playground
//: This is a paragraph explaining what this playground does.

let greeting = "Hello, World!"

//: ## Next Section
//: Here's a list of things we'll cover:
//: * Item 1
//: * Item 2
//: * Item 3

Rendering Markup

To see your markup rendered:

  1. Click on the “Editor” menu in Xcode
  2. Select “Show Rendered Markup”

Now you’ll see your comments beautifully formatted, with headings, paragraphs, and lists!

Advanced Markup Features

Playground markup supports many Markdown features:

  1. Links:
   //: [Apple's Swift Page](https://swift.org)
  1. Images:
   //: ![Alt text](image_name.png)

Note: The image needs to be in your Playground’s resources.

  1. Code blocks:
   //: ```swift
   //: let code = "This is a code block"
   //: ```
  1. Emphasis:
   //: This is *italicized* and this is **bold**.

Documentation and Experiments

You can use markup to create interactive tutorials:

//: # Experiment: Changing Colors
//: Try changing the color values below and see what happens!

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
view.backgroundColor = .red  // Try changing this to .blue or .green

PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = view

This creates a mini-lesson right in your playground!

Using Markup for Better Learning

  1. Document Your Thought Process: Use markup to explain your code as you write it.
  2. Create Tutorials: Make step-by-step guides for yourself or others.
  3. Organise Your Playground: Use headings to separate different concepts or experiments.
  4. Add Context: Explain why you’re doing something, not just what you’re doing.

By combining code, live views, and rich documentation, Playgrounds become not just a place to experiment, but a powerful learning tool.