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Excel Worksheet by default displays the rows and columns header. For some reason if you want to hide these headers then you can use Excel Advanced Options. Listed below the steps to hide or unhide row and column headers in Excel 2016, Excel 2010 and Excel 2010.

row and column headers in Excel 2013 and Excel 2010

Step 1: Click the File menu and then options link.

Step 2: In The Excel Options windows, select Advanced tab and scroll down to Display options for this worksheet section.

Step 3: To hide the rows and columns headers in a Excel 2010 worksheet, un mark the checkbox labelled as Show row and column headers.

Show row and column headers in Excel 2013 and Excel 2010

Click OK button available at the bottom of the screen to confirm the changes.


Excel worksheet without row and column header

Also See: How to hide header/footer while typing in Excel
