Test Driven Development in Swift

4 minute read

Here is a beginner tutorial on TDD in Swift by writing a program that checks for a prime number. Let us start by creating a new project, selecting template a...

How to check the OS version of your iPad

less than 1 minute read

iPad allows users to check the version of OS installed using the settings menu. This would be useful when you are troubleshooting some problems in your iPad....

Swift Tuples

2 minute read

Tuples in Swift are a powerful feature that allows you to group multiple values into a single compound value. They’re particularly useful for returning multi...

Swift Enums

2 minute read

Enumerations, or enums, are a powerful feature in Swift that allow you to group related values under a single data type. Swift enums have significantly more ...

How to enable a disabled add-in in Excel 2010

less than 1 minute read

Office products such as Word, Excel Outlook will automatically disable installed add-in if any add-in prevented the software from functioning correctly. And ...

How to change the Bibliography style in Word

less than 1 minute read

The Bibliography style in Word 2013 and Word 2010 can be changed using the References menu. Listed below are the steps to modify bibliography in Word 2013 an...

How to change zoom level in Microsoft Word

less than 1 minute read

The zoom level in a Microsoft Word can be changed in different ways. The Zoom options are available as part of Zoom section under View menu. Listed below are...