Hey Developers! đź‘‹

Simple iOS development tutorials and tips. Let's build something awesome together with Swift and SwiftUI!

Building a Simple UIKit App Programmatically

2 minute read

In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple app called “QuickTabs” using UIKit, featuring a tab bar controller and a settings screen. This approach gives you more...

Closures, Extensions and Generics in Swift

2 minute read

Closures Closures are self contained lines of code that can be passed around the application and similar to blocks in Objective-C. A typical closure syntax ...

Understanding Any and AnyObject in Swift

2 minute read

Swift is known for its strong type system, which helps prevent errors and makes our code more predictable. However, there are times when we need more flexibi...

Dependency Injection in Swift

1 minute read

Dependency injection is a design pattern that lets you to pass the dependencies for the object instances instead of creating the them inside the instances. L...

Memory management in Swift

3 minute read

Memory management in Swift is done by Automatic Reference Counting or ARC. Whenever a variables holds an instance of an object the memory count for that obje...

Explain App Life Cycle

1 minute read

The app life cycle refers to the sequence of steps that app takes when an user launches an app until it terminates. Understanding the life cycle will help th...

Class and Struct in Swift

5 minute read

Download the playground file from github (Classes and Struct) Class A class is a blue print for a real-word entity such Player, Person etc. and it is used ...