less than 1 minute read

Outlook 2013 & Outlook 2010 by default displays any Internet address as hyperlinks. This is pretty useful feature and by clicking the hyperlink would quickly launch the website. But if you want to disable this feature while reading as well as composing mail, then you turn off this feature using Editor Options.

Turn Off display of hyperlinks when reading messages

Click the File menu –> Options link then navigate to Mail Options.


Click the Editor Options button available under the Compose messages section. In the Editor Options window, click the AutoCorrect Options button available under the Proofing section.


In the AutoCorrect Window, navigate to Replace section under AutoFormat tab and un tick the check box with label as Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.


Turn Off display of hyperlinks when composing messages

In the AutoCorrect Window, navigate to Replace as you type section under AutoFormat as You Type and un tick the check box with label as Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.

