Category: ios

  • Dissecting Objective-C program

    We have already seen couple of examples in Objective-C like writing your first program in Objective-C and adding Objective-C classes. Now let us try and analyze the code to learn basic coding on Objective-C program. Adding Comments The very basic thing to learn is any programming language is “how to add comments”. In Objective-C you…

  • Basic tutorial – Adding Objective-C Class using Xcode

    Let us see how to add a class in Objective-C by looking at an example that provides basic functionality of adding two numbers. In this example we will be using Xcode for development similar to the earlier post on first program in Objective C using Xcode. This program is going to have to three main…

  • My fiirst program in Objective C using Xcode

    This tutorial is about writing a basic and simple program in Objective C using Xcode. Let us see an example program that prints “My First Program” in the Console Window. Click the File menu on Xcode, then navigate to New -> New Project. This would display the following Choose a template window. Now select Application…