Hello and welcome! This page is your starting line for learning iOS and Swift. It’s a place for everyone, whether you are just starting out or looking to build on what you know. I’m here to learn with you and to share all the things that can make us better at making great apps. Let’s get started on this learning journey together, one step at a time
For Beginners:
- Swift Basics
- Basic overview of Xcode
- XCode Playground Overview
- Keyboard Shortcuts in Xcode
- Debugging Swift App in Xcode
- Create an example iOS Project using Xcode
- XCode’s iOS Simulator for iPhone and iPad
- Tuples, Enums and Protocols in Swift
- Optional binding and Optional Chaining
- Choosing between guard statement and if let
- Class and Struct in Swift
- Access Control in Swift
- Memory management in Swift
- Closures, Extensions and Generics in Swift
- UITextFieldDelegate in Swift
- Navigation Controller in iOS
- Different ways to connect IBAction to UIButton
- Storyboard, Scene and Segue
- DatePicker Demo in Swift
- TableView Demo in Swift
- Swift – WebView demo
- Swift Progress Bar Demo
- SplitViewController example in Swift
- What is the difference between Swift and Objective-C
- Button in Swift UI
- Understanding .onAppear and .onDisappear in SwiftUI
- Tab Bar Controller with WebView
- How to customize status bar in iOS
- Simple StopWatch app in Swift
- UIGestureRecognizer in Swift
- Simple UITableView and UIAlertView example
- Checklist needed when an issue is reported in your mobile app.
Intermediate Topics:
- Auto Layout in iOS
- What is Delegation in iOS ?
- Protocol Oriented Programming in Swift
- Get your current address in Swift
- CoreData tutorial in Swift using NSFetchedResultsController
- How to record and play sound in iOS/Swift
- UICollectionView Demo
- PDFKit – View, Annotate PDF file in Swift
- Add annotations and Polyline to MapView in Swift
- Launching an App on the App Store Using SwiftUI & ChatGPT
- Handling HTML Text Gaps in Swift
- How to detect availability of internet connection in Swift
- How to simplify persistent data using @AppStorage
- BlogReader App in Swift
- Quotes app – Simple page based application in Swift
- Content Priority in Auto Layout
- iOS Swift – Firebase Demo
- Difference between Delegate and Notifications in iOS
Advanced Topics:
- Test Driven Development in Swift
- Dependency Injection in Swift
- Integrating Stripe in Swift for iOS development
- How to programmatically add AutoLayout constraints?
- Internationalization and localization of Apps in Xcode 6 and Swift
- Search photos on Flickr – Web Service
- Provisioning iPhone 4S for deploying and testing Apps
- Adaptive Layout in iOS