Category: Swift

  • Choosing between guard statement and if let

    Swift offers two important features for handling optionals: the guard statement and if let, also known as optional binding. What is guard? The guard statement is ideal for scenarios where you want to ensure certain conditions are met before proceeding with the execution of your code. If these conditions are not met, the guard statement…

  • This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion error

    If you are receiving the following error while trying to upload your binary from Xcode organiser to AppStoreConnect then try incrementing the build number. This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [1] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [1]. Please find more information…

  • Cocoapods Permission Error

    Received the following error while trying to run pod install. errno::EACCES – Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir – /Users/<username>/.cocoapods/repos/trunk/Specs/9/3 So I had to run the command as sudo – sudo pod install. This successfully installed the pods for the project. But when trying to open the Xcode workspace, again received permission denied error for the Xcode…

  • Launching an App on the App Store Using SwiftUI & ChatGPT

    Are you ready to bring your app idea to life and launch it on the App Store? With the power of SwiftUI and ChatGPT, it’s more achievable than ever before. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step and provide you with valuable prompts to help you along the way. Book…

  • Memory management in Swift

    Memory management in Swift is done by Automatic Reference Counting or ARC. Whenever a variables holds an instance of an object the memory count for that object increases by 1. And when variable becomes out of scope or set to nil, the memory count decreases 1. class Teacher { var name: String? var course: String?…

  • Attribute Unavailable: Estimated section warning before iOS 11.0

    Xcode 13 (iOS 15) displays the following warning message for project having minimum deployment as iOS 10. Attribute Unavailable: Estimated section header height before iOS 11.0 Attribute Unavailable: Estimated section footer height before iOS 11.0 This warning gets displayed for new UITableViewController added to the Storyboard file. You can get rid of the warning messages…

  • Checklist needed when an issue is reported in your mobile app.

    The major work when a bug is reported in your production app is to identify the steps required to replicate the issue. Get the app version of the device. Get the operating system version, device model, user locale. Incase of iOS the number of parameters or less where as in case Android it is more.…

  • Xcode – framework not found FIRAnalyticsConnector

    Tried updating all pods in Xcode projects using pod update. Noticed the following messages in the log. After doing Xcode build, noticed the following error. Framework not found FIRAnalyticsConnector Looks like firebase pod has been updated and to remove the above error, navigate to Build Settings and search for “FIRAnalyticsConnector” Open the “Other Linker Flags”…