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Binary search

After a simple bubble sort algorithm (not the most efficient sorting algorithm), let us try to implement Binary search in Swift Programming Language. Binary search algorithm can be applied only on sorted arrays. So let us first generate random numbers and store them in an array. Then call the bubble sort function to sort the numbers by passing the array to the function.

import Cocoa

func swapNumbers(index1 :Int,index2: Int) {

let temp = inputArr[index1]

inputArr[index1] = inputArr[index2]

inputArr[index2] = temp


func bubbleSort(inputArray :Int[]) {

for var index: Int = inputArr.count-1; index > 1; --index {

for var jIndex: Int = 0; jIndex < index; ++jIndex {

if inputArr[jIndex] > inputArr[jIndex + 1] {

swapNumbers(jIndex, jIndex+1)





var inputArr = Int[]()

// generate random numbers

for rIndex in 0..10 {

inputArr.append(((Int(arc4random()) % 100)))


//call bubblesort function to sort the numbers in array



Steps for Binary search algorithm

func findItem(searchItem :Int) -> Int{

var lowerIndex = 0;

var upperIndex = inputArr.count - 1

while (true) {

var currentIndex = (lowerIndex + upperIndex)/2

if(inputArr[currentIndex] == searchItem) {

return currentIndex

} else if (lowerIndex > upperIndex) {

return inputArr.count

} else {

if (inputArr[currentIndex] > searchItem) {

upperIndex = currentIndex - 1

} else {

lowerIndex = currentIndex + 1






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