Category: Word 2010
Go To specific page number in Word
In Word 2013 and Word 2010 you can go to specific page in the Word document using the Find and Replace dialog. To display the Find and Replace dialog, Navigate to Home menu and click on the drop down arrow under Find menu. Another shortcut for launching Find and Replace is by pressing Ctrl +…
How to insert or remove pages in Word
This tutorial explains the steps required to insert or delete empty pages in Word 2016, 2013 and 2010. Adding new page to Word document There are different ways of inserting new page in Word document such as Using the Blank Page option available as part of Insert menu. Using the Page Break option available as…
Turn off automatically created border lines in Word
Word 2016, 2013 and 2010 have a feature that allows users to automatically create border lines by just typing the character three times. For example if you type dash (-) three times and press enter key in a document, Word will automatically draw a border line with dash character. This is useful when your want…
How to enable insert equation in Word
Word 2016, 2013 and 2010 provide users with the option to insert mathematical equations in a document. This is quite useful when you are preparing a word document with mathematical questions. Users can insert equations using the option available as part of the Office Ribbon’s Insert menu. But when you open an existing document created…
Remove page number from selected pages in Word
This is in response to the query posted by a reader that “How to remove a page number without removing all page numbers ”. Word 2016, 2013 and 2010 have a feature that allows users to remove page number for selected pages alone. The option is know as “Section Break” and it is available as…